
Lineamenti morfologici e cartografia dei popolamenti bentonici di Rada della Reale nell'isola dell’Asinara (Sardegna NW)= Morphological elements and cartography of benthic community in Rada della Reale, Asinara Island (Sardinia NW)


A detailed investigation of bottom types in Rada della Reale has been carried out in 1998 as part of resources study of Asinara National Park. The study area, along 23 km of coastline between Punta Barbatossa and Punta Trabucato, has a surface of 15 km2. Detailed informattin on biotic communities in the area has been recorded and transferred in a thematic map together with geomorphological features. The main benthic community is represented by the Posidonia oceanica meadow, wlth a denslty up to 700-800 shootslm2. Other seagrasses like Cymodocea nodosa and Caulerpa prolifera are also present. In the mediolittoral zone assemblages of Patella ferruginea are of main importance. Considering the great value of the area, in the future an integrated management strategy that improves conservation and enhances the value of the resources must be developed

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