
Indagini sistematiche, tassonomiche e corologiche nel gruppo "<i>Silene colorata</i> Poir. - <i>S. sericea</i> All. - <i>S. canescens</i> Ten."


A systematic revision of the taxa included in the Silene colorata Poir., S. sericea All. and S. canescens Ten. group is here reported. The systematic characteristics and the affinities among the different entities, they both imperfectly known for Italy, were studied also on the basis of cladistic analysis made on morphological studies. The study of the taxonomy of the group permitted to define the correct taxonomic level as species for: S. colorata Poiret, S. sericea All., S. canescens Ten. and S. morisiana Bég. et Rav .. Three new species, S. arghireica, S. beguinotii, S. nummica have been described. Chorological analysis pointed out the real distribution of the species in Italy

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