The MCS (mechanic, cybernetics and synergetics) method in vestibular rehabilitation


Vertigo and dizziness are conscious symptoms and the disturbances are not disequilibrium or nystagmus but the consciousness of disequilibrium and nystagmus. Thus physical rehabilitation must not only be pointed to resolution of objective disorder but it must be aimed to resolution of subjective consciousness of the disorder itself. MCS is the achronimus of mechanic , cybernetics and synergetics. We said that to prepare a particular protocol of treatment is necessary to have in mind a particular model of the Equilibrium system. Under a mechanic point of view we can consider the Equilibrium function as the result of the sum of these reflexes, the contemporary but distinct activation of some or all of these reflexes, according to the need: gaze, standing, walking. Under a cybernetics point view all the structures, peripheral and central, that contribute to the BOR and BSR constitute a system. A System is a network of different structures interconnected , interacting to reach a common goal. In this case the goal is human balance. The structures that provide the BOR and the BSR consitute the so-called Equilibrium System. Lackner remembered that the so-called vestibular nuclei are real polisensorial relays and that they are not only correlated to the activity of the vestibule. Thus it is uncorrected to define those nuclei as vestibular nuclei. They are true Balance nuclei that act together cerebellum and reticular formations to provide the sub-cortical component of human Equilibrium. Under the neurophysiological point of view the Equilibrium system (ES) is the Vestibular system. In order to reduce misinterpretation we prepose to refer to the Equilibrium System comprehending also the vestibular part of informations and reflexes. Synergetics model is based on the papers of Haken. He proposed his model to simplify complex functions such as macroeconomics processes, some physics phenomena such as clouds formation and many other complex phenomena. He proposed that every phenomenon, every function, is the macroscopic result of microscopic arrangements of the components that acts together to produce the phenomenon itself (that is to perform the function). By this point of view a system can be subdivided into different functional levels. Each lower, microscopic, level is directly communicating and interconnected with the upper, macroscopic, level.</p

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