
La Vegetazione arbustiva di un settore costiero dell'adriatico centrale italiano


The shrubby vegetation in a coastal sector of italian central adriatic sea. The results of the phytosociological analysis concerning the shrubby vegetation of a sector of the italian adriatic coast, of around 20 Kms, situated in the Rrgional natural park of Conero, are presented. It deals with mountainous coasts of two main lithomorphological typologies: marly-arenaceous and calcareous formations. On the first formation, in correspondence to marly rocks, the new Lonicero etruscae-Cornetum sanguineae association, belonging to the edapho-hygrophilous meso and submediterranean pre-apennine series of the elm (Symphyto bulbosi-Ulmeto minoris sigmetum), develops. On the contrary, on sand stones, constituted by superimposed levels and intercalated to marlstones, develops a xerophilous vegetation which stops at the maquis stadium, referred to the new Coronillo emeroidis-Rhamnetum alaterni association in the new loniceretosum etrusca e sub-association. On the calcareous cliffs of the warmest slopes, a maquis vegetation develops, referred to the same association but in the most thermophilous subassociation viburnetosum tini, colonising partially consolidated screes, which represents an element of the mesomediterranean italian-tyrrhenian and amphiadriatic calcicolous series of the holm-oak (Fraxino orni -Querceto ilicis sigmetum). Finally, on the steep slopes of the compact limestones of the warmest sectors of the South-East side of M. Conero (Valley ofthe Vellare), the new ampelodesmetosum mauritanici sub-association ofthe Coronillo emeroidis-Euphorbietum dendroidis association is described. It differentiates from the latter for the presence of more temperate elements and for the loss of some thermomediterranean species

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