
Ricerche su alcuni sistemi di allevamento del vitigno "Vernaccia": nota 1.: osservazioni sulla colatura


A 3 year research has been conducted on grapevine « Vernaccia » variety to evaluate the influence of some training systems on the flower failure percentage. Four training systems were compared: spur pruning, horizontal cordon, bilatera1 Guyot, and Sylvoz. Observations were made each year on the flower number per inflorescence, and on the flower failure percentage. The resu1ts showed a great influence of the training system on the flower failure percentage, while the number of flowers per inflorescence was mainly related to the different seasons. The highest flower failure percentage was found in spur pruned trees, the lowest in Sylvoz trained trees, and the intermediate in horinzontal cordon and bilateral Guyot trained trees

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