
Assorbimento di alcune triazine simmetriche su una bentonite di Uri (Sardegna)


The adsorpition of six s-triazines of the chloro- and methoxy-analogue series on a bentonite from Uri (Sardinia) was studied. The H-bentonite shows a higher adsorption than the Na-bentonite. The order of adsorbabiIity of chloro-s-triazines was trietazine > atrazine > propazine; by me· thoxy-s-triazines it was simetone > atratone > prometone. The amount of simetone adsorbed by the H-bentonite occurred in excess of the CEC. The relationship between adsorption, solubility and lenght of the lateral chain of the s-triazine was confirmed. The adsorption was mainly due to van der Waals forces, H-bonding and ionic exchange

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