
Ricerche sullo stato nutrizionale di dodici cultivar di mandarino e mandarino-simili: nota I: variazioni di alcuni micro e macroelementi nei primi cinque anni di osservazioni


In this study leaf mineral content of twelve mandarin, mandarin hybrids, and mandarin-like varieties was determined at the beginning and at the and of the growing season for a 5 year period. The following varieties - all grafted on sour orange - were tested: clementine «Comune» - ICS/OL 1, «Carvalhal», «Page», «Nova», «Fremont», «Ponkan», «Malvasio», «Murcott», «Minneola», «Ortanique», «Fortune» and «Sampson». N, P, K, Ca. Mg, Na, Cu. Zn, Fe and Mn, were determined in mature leaves collected from non fruiting terminals. The results showed that all the varieties tend to accumulate nutritional etements in autumn rather than in spring as the trees begin to bear fruits. Significant differences were also observed among all the varieties in relation to N. P, K, Ca, Cu, and Mn leaf content

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