
Influenza dell'intervento irriguo sul ciclo produttivo dell' olivo: nota 3.: effetti del turno d'irrigazione sull'attività vegetativa e produttiva della cv «Ascolana tenera»


An irrigation trial was carried out during three years on «Ascolana tenera» olive tree variety. The following treatments were compared: A - irrigation at weekly intervals; B - irrigation at biweekly intervals; C - irrigation at triweekly intervals; D - irrigations at montly intervals; E - irrigation at intervals of five weeks. Observation on vegetative growth and on some aspects of floral biology were made. Fruit characteristics like volume, weight, thickness, lengh and width were also determined. Furthermore, mesocarp and stone thickness and the ratio mesocarpfstone were recorded. A distinct variability of the resu1ts regarding the growth and the productive behaviour of the trees was observed, though the different irrigation intervals did not always effect them. In the other hand, frequent irrigation intervals affected sto ne thickness and the ratio mesocarpfstone in a positive way

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