
<i>De novo</i> synthesis of budding yeast DNA polymerase alpha and <i>POL1</i> transcription at the G<sub>1</sub>/S boundary are not required for entrance into S phase


The POL1 gene, encoding DNA polymerase α(pol α) in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, is transiently transcribed during the cell cycle at the G1/S phase boundary. Here we show that yeast pol α is present at every stage of the cell cycle, and its level only slightly increases following the peak of POL1 transcription. POL1 mRNA synthesis driven by a GAL1 promoter can be completely abolished without affecting the growth rate of logarithmically growing yeast cultures for several cell divisions, although the amount of the pol α polypeptide drops below the physiological level. Moreover, α-factor-arrested cells can enter S phase and divide synchronously even if POL1 transcription is abolished. These results indicate that the level of yeast pol α is not rate limiting and de novo synthesis of the enzyme is not required for entrance into S phase

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