
<div><p>ABSTRACT This study aimed to increase satellite-derived Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) sensitivity to biophysical parameters changes with aid of a forest age-based adjustment factor. This factor is defined as a ratio between stand age and age of rotation, which value multiplied by Landsat-5/TM-derived NDVI generated the so-called adjusted index NDVI_a. Soil Adjusted Vegetation Index (SAVI) was also calculated. The relationship between these vegetation indices (VI) with Eucalyptus and Pinus stands’ wood volume was investigated. The adjustment factor caused an increase in NDVI dynamic range values, since older stands tended to be assigned with highest NDVI values, while younger ones tended to be forced to assume lower NDVI values. As a result, direct and significant relationship between NDVI_a and wood volume could be maintained for wider ranges of wood volume. However, it was observed that NDVI_a was only statistically superior to NDVI and SAVI when a detailed age dataset is available. It is conclude that, the stand age has potential to improve NDVI sensitivity to biophysical parameters allowing that quantitative estimates could be made since young to adult stands.</p></div

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