MOESM2 of Depletion of membrane cholesterol compromised caspase-8 imparts in autophagy induction and inhibition of cell migration in cancer cells


Additional file 2: Figure S2. Cholesterol depletion induced cell death in various cell lines. [a] cholesterol depletion induced cell death. MDA-MB 231, 4T1 and Balbc3T3 Cell lines were treated with different concentration of MβCD for 24 h. Cell viability was measured by MTT assay. 2[b] Vero, MDCK, 4T1, Balb/c3T3 and MDA-MB 231 cells were exposed to the 5mM MβCD for 16 h and cell death were measured by MTT assay. Statistical analysis: One way anova, post hock test Tukey. P*<0.05 P**<0.01, P**<0.001, N.S.-Not significant

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