The a. analyses the edict de convicio, one of the special edict de iniuriis, in which iniuria delict has been extended till comprehend, beside the injury to physical integrity, the injury to moral integrity: contumelia. In the edict, the sanctioned behaviour represented one of the many ways to cause contumelia in a subject, but only if committed adversus bonos mores. However, the word convicium, had different meanings, that’s why, in order to reconstruct the exact edictal terminology, the a. considered also its use in common speech. Now that has been clarified in what convicum consists, it is necessary to identify which are the elements that get a convicium allowed by the law into an adversus bons mores act, which is punishable with the actio iniuriarum concession. The work ends with a consideration about iniuria delict general rule, in which even instigation is punishable and the subject must be aimed by the so called animus iniurandi, that is to say the intent to cause iniuria