16 August 1947 EDDY County Specimen Collection Data


Specimen collected 16 August 1947. Original Locality: Black R. near mouth. Locality: Black River near confluence with Pecos River, northeast of town of Malaga.Catalog number: MSB118; Taxa: Lepomis cyanellus; Common name: green sunfish; Count of specimens: 3; Standard length:Catalog number: MSB187; Taxa: Lepomis macrochirus; Common name: bluegill ; Count of specimens: 17; Standard length:Catalog number: MSB246; Taxa: Lepomis megalotis; Common name: longear sunfish; Count of specimens: 26; Standard length:Catalog number: MSB331; Taxa: Gambusia affinis; Common name: western mosquitofish; Count of specimens: 55; Standard length:Catalog number: MSB359; Taxa: Gambusia affinis; Common name: western mosquitofish; Count of specimens: 8; Standard length:Catalog number: MSB372; Taxa: Ictalurus punctatus; Common name: channel catfish; Count of specimens: 2; Standard length:Catalog number: MSB414; Taxa: Pylodictis olivaris; Common name: flathead catfish; Count of specimens: 1; Standard length:Catalog number: MSB577; Taxa: Fundulus zebrinus; Common name: plains killifish; Count of specimens: 1; Standard length:Catalog number: MSB594; Taxa: Lucania parva; Common name: rainwater killifish; Count of specimens: 1135; Standard length:Catalog number: MSB677; Taxa: Pimephales promelas; Common name: fathead minnow; Count of specimens: 20; Standard length:Catalog number: MSB823; Taxa: Micropterus salmoides; Common name: largemouth bass; Count of specimens: 13; Standard length:Catalog number: MSB1202; Taxa: Notropis stramineus; Common name: sand shiner; Count of specimens: 16; Standard length:Catalog number: MSB1300; Taxa: Cyprinella lutrensis; Common name: red shiner; Count of specimens: 282; Standard length:Catalog number: MSB2223; Taxa: Moxostoma congestum; Common name: gray redhorse; Count of specimens: 8; Standard length:Catalog number: MSB3154; Taxa: Dorosoma cepedianum; Common name: gizzard shad; Count of specimens: 3; Standard length:Catalog number: MSB3194; Taxa: Carpiodes carpio; Common name: river carpsucker; Count of specimens: 12; Standard length:Catalog number: MSB3379; Taxa: Lepisosteus platostomus; Common name: shortnose gar; Count of specimens: 1; Standard length

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