EFL Teachers’ perceptions and practices about assessment at the Universidad Central del Ecuador


Despite rising interest in understanding how language mastery is assessed, our knowledge of language assessment, alternatives in assessment, feedback, peer and self-assessment, as well as our understanding of teachers’ perceptions of assessment and their subsequent assessment practices is still quite limited. In my experience, language assessment is not always aligned with what and how students learn in their EFL classes. My aim is to conduct a case study of three EFL teachers from the Centro de Idiomas (Language Center) in the UCE and examining how their knowledge and beliefs about assessment influence their practices in class. I will collect data from different sources such as teachers’ interviews, class observations, and analysis of artifacts (tests, quizzes, presentations, worksheets, and observation sheets). As a theoretical framework for this study, I draw upon sociocultural theories, specifically Vygotsky’s Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD) and Conceptual Development. The impact of this study will hopefully improve our understanding of teachers´ perceptions and language assessment in an EFL context, and implement an effective English language assessment process in EFL, which in turn would benefit students, professors, universities, and communities in my country and Latin America

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