Evaluation of the IHS tribal management grant program.


There were three principle objectives of this study: 1) determine if the Tribal Management Grant Program (TMGP) is meeting its goals and objectives as stated in The Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act and by the Indian Health Service (IHS) as stated in the TMGP guidelines; 2) identify problems and obstacles faced by the program; and 3) identify possible solutions to program problems. The report defines and prioritizes eligible projects to be funded under the TMGP. Collected data consisted of in-depth interviews with potential tribal management grantees, and IHS staff in IHS Headquarters and Area Offices representatives. It found that the TMGP is meeting its objective of improving the management capacity of tribes to enter into 638 health contracts. The report lists specific findings and provides recommendations including: 1) enhance the grant and contract information system; 2) modify the TMGP funding priority system; 3) improve communication/coordination among IHS Headquarters, Area Offices and TM Grantees; 4) automate the TM grantee tracking system; and 5) assist tribes in obtaining local sources of training and technical assistance. The report also includes specific interview results and an index

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