One of the Guys: The Experiences of Three Women Conductors in Collegiate Band Programs


For years women have fought for gender equality. Today women still struggle to be taken seriously in many fields dominated by men, including the music world. This qualitative study looks at the experiences of three women conductors in the collegiate band world. Throughout history women have had to make their own way in this world dominated and ruled by men. They have struggled to receive positions of authority in politics and corporations, and administrative and collegiate positions in education. In the music world women are seriously underrepresented due to previous assumptions that only men could be proficient in musical positions. The purpose of this study is to explore the lived worlds of women in the collegiate band world, to learn what their experiences have been, and implications for women wanting to work in that field and to determine how to better even the odds. This study looks at three women conductors of collegiate bands and their experiences with gender bias. Themes were identified from interviews with each of the participants including their foundational experiences and their experiences with gender bias. The participants also gave their own personal advice for how to continue to close the gender gap in the future

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