Socioeconomic Status and Cognitive Outcomes: Mediating Role of the Home Environment


Low socioeconomic status (SES) in early childhood is associated with increased risk for deficits in cognitive development. Early home environment quality has been shown to mediate between SES and cognition in toddlers from low-income families. This study explored the mediation of home environment quality between SES and cognition in socioeconomically diverse toddlers. 26 families completed a HOME interview (Home Observation for Measurement of the Environment). Child cognitive ability was assessed using the Bayley Scales of Infant Development. The Monte Carlo method for testing indirect effects was used to test for mediation of HOME standardized total scores between SES and developmental measures. Data demonstrated a significant mediation of home environment quality between family SES and toddlers cognition. This study replicated past findings of significant mediation of home environment quality between SES and cognition. Findings uniquely extend previous evidence of this relationship in socioeconomically diverse and typically developing toddlers ages 18-40 months

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