
Peningkatan Kompetensi Menulis Paragraf Deskripsi melalui Metode Umpan-Imajinasi (UMJIN) dengan Media Lagu Siswa Kelas X SMA Negeri Kerjo, Karanganyar


Writing competence is one of base competence in Bahasa Indonesia. The writer found a matter that the students have difficulties to create their language skill in writing. The writer focuses in descriptive writing competence. This research aims to improve the students’ achievement in writing competence. It breaks the problem of the students’ learning in writing. The writer has taken the “UMPAN IMAJINASI (UMJIN)” method to know how the method is able to increase the students’ competence to write in descriptive text and usage of media song for students in grade X in SMA Negeri Kerjo in Karanganyar Regency. The result of this research to elaborate the students’ achievement in descriptive writing competence and to see the effect of the students’ behaviours in teaching learning process. This research is an action research involves the students grade X in SMA Negeri Kerjo as subject of research and the researcher is the teacher of Bahasa Indonesia in SMA Negeri Kerjo. This research had done on August to November 2017. It consists of two cycles. Each cycles contains (1) planning of research, (2) action of research, (3) observation and evaluation, and (4) analyse and reflection. The collecting data through writing skill test in descriptive paragraph based on scoring criterion in scoring guidance. This is not only by testing, but also using non-test for collecting data. It consists of observation, interview and questionnaire. To maintain the result of the data, the writer used triangulation and interview for two students and questionnaire for all students. To analyse the data for the result of writing descrition using descriptive statistics, and qualitative analysis for aspects cange in student writing behavior. Data compared to find the percentage of improvement and change. The writer delivers the result of the research as follows: 1) the average result of descriptive writing test is 62.1 in pre-cycle becomes 65.2 in the first cycle, then becomes 72.22 in the second cycle. It increases 10.76 % after using UMPAN IMAJINASI method through song media; 2) the average result of non-test, it is observation about the students’ affectiveness and athusiasment increases 12.5 %, and questionnaire the students’ affectiveness and easy way for students in writing increases about 22.5 % after applying UMPAN IMAJINASI method by using song. Teaching learning process for descriptive writing through UMPAN IMAJINASI by using song for students grade X in SMA Negeri Kerjo, Karanganyar is able to increase students’ scoring and changing the students’ learning behaviours in descriptive writing skill is more positive

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