
Indian Argo Trajectories and Surface Currents


An important objective of Argo is measurement of ocean circulation. As Argo floats collect salinity/temperature profiles, they also give information on the surface and subsurface currents. Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services (INCOIS) being a Regional Data Assembly Centre for Indian Argo has so far launched 160 floats in the Indian Ocean to develop the global ocean observation system as a part of international cooperation project and is responsible for real time generation and dissemination of this data. This work is an attempt to extract information on sea surface in application to the Lagrangian part of the Argo floats. This report constitutes two sections. The first section documents the process of operational generation and dissemination of the Argo trajectory data. The second section describes the data product, Surface Currents and its comparison with Simple Ocean Data Assimilation & Drifting buoy currents

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