
Remediasi Miskonsepsi Siswa Tentang Tumbukan Menggunakan Model Learning Cycle 5e Berbantuan Media Animasi Di SMA


This research aims to determine the effectiveness of learning cycle 5E model with animation media in remediating students misconception about collision in SMA Negeri 2 Pontianak grade XI. Method that is used is pre-experimental design with one group pretest-posttest design. Tool of data collecting is multiple choice test with reason. Sample of this research is 35 students. The result of data analysis found decline that students' misconception in average is 30,97%. McNemar test result found in average is count (5,49) > table (3,84) for db =1 and α = 5% so the changes of student's misconception is significant after being remediated through learning cycle 5E model with animation media. From effect size counting the result is 1,78 with high category. It means that the remediation through learning cycle 5E model with animation media is effective in solving student misconception

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