Drug-Induced Revelation and Criminal Investigation


Scientific and technological advances become irrevocable traits of the culture-however drastic the problems of assimilation and adjustment they engender, and however disturbing the value choices they pose. This is true not only of major advances like Freud\u27s concept of the role of the unconscious in human behavior but also of less seminal developments like the druginduced interview (narcoanalysis),\u27 which has become an implement of psychiatry and with which we are here concerned. Our goal is to further understanding of the proper conditions and limitations of its use, and of its potentialities for abuse. We attempt to appraise narcoanalysis from three points of view: (1) What is it; (2) Under what conditions, if any, will its use (voluntary and involuntary) promote the best interests of the community (which is to say, of all individuals); and (3) How adequate is existing law to facilitate its appropriate use and discourage its misuse

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