
Eningkatan Motivasi dan Hasil Belajar melalui Pembelajaran Team Assisted Individualization pada Kalor di SMP


TheAims of this research is to improve the motivation and study outcomes of VII G students of Junior High School 9 Pontianak on kalor topic with cooperative learning model Team Asissted Individualization (TAI) type. Student of class VII G Junior High School9 Pontianak as participants in this study consisted of 22 girls and 16 boys. This study consisted of 2 cycles with an indicator of success was 65% student got a score of 75 in the study outcomes test and for students study motivation the indicator was 65%. The increase of the cycle I was 68,42% with an average value of 72,2 while the percentage of cycle II was 84,21% with an average value of 78,3. The average of students study motivation was 84,64%. Cooperative learnig model Team Assisted Individualization (TAI) type was expected to be used as an alternative to improve students motivation and study outcomes. TAI is can be used as an alternative to improve motivation and result of student

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