The EOSC as a knowledge marketplace: the example of ISIDORE: A virtuous data circle for users and providers


International audienceWe would like to draw the benefits of ISIDORE integration into the EOSC which could be, as a suggestion, a knowledge marketplace. ISIDORE, developed by TGIR Huma-Num (CNRS) in France, impulses a virtuous research circle for SSH researchers. This service collects, enriches and provides unified access to digital documents and data from the humanities and social sciences in the whole Europe. ISIDORE harvests structured and unstructured data: bibliographical records, metadata, integral text from digital publications, corpus, databases and scientifical news accessible on the web.Once harvested, those informations are enriched and standardized in different languages, by crossing with referentials (vocabulary lists, thesaurus) produced either by the scientific community, either by research institutions. Those enrichments allow to link the data between each other.Launched in 2009, more than 5800 sources are already harvested, for a total of more than 5 millions documentsThe re-exposure of the enriched metadata follows, in turn, the principles of Web of data (RDF) claimed by the movement of provision of public data as (USA) and (UK). Thanks to this feature, ISIDORE is different from a simple search engine : it offers to the whole community to enrich constantly its own data.Otherwise, SSH publications are numerous : researchers don’t have main revues as in other fields and it exists several small revues. That means, it is very difficult for researchers to find information and publications or to make them more visible. ISIDORE is the only tool in Europe able to crawl all the sources. So it is very important to scale it to European researchers, by integrating it in the EOSC. We consider the EOSC as a knowledge marketplace, which will share and spread tools and good practices from the whole European Research Area. It needs common policy, interoperability, easy access. In this perspective, the marketplace could contain a public part open for every researcher and public institution and a market perspective to let companies use our tools and data. By doing that, sustainability of the EOSC is ensured. We envision three levels: _ a storage one (interoperability of computing centres)_ a services one (the marketplace) _ a communication and training one (an appstore). This third aspect builds the “knowledge marketplace”: the ability to use research data, research tools, so to develop and increase knowledge, but also the ability to share knowledge, to comment those tools, to create some communities around each (or more) ones. Bridges between researchers and citizens which strenghten the notion of “knowledge” is very important.The EOSC offers digital solutions by containing a collection of software, tools, services, datasets, publication repositories and learning & training material and will establish visibility for them. Our conception of EOSC is highly linked to the needs of the SSH researchers to be able both to find resources and make them visible and to establish links with the civil society, and ISIDORE answers to the same objectives

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