Caffeine consumption with relevance to Type 3 diabetes and accelerated brain aging


Major interests in caffeine consumption has increased with the alarming increase in the global NAFLD epidemic relevant to increased transport of caffeine to the brain with the induction of Type 3 diabetes. Specific nutritional diets are essential to maintain hepatic caffeine metabolism to facilitate rapid Aβ clearance in the periphery and to maintain the effects of drugs such as statins to reduce toxic Aβ formation not only in Type 3 diabetes but to various neurological diseases. Anti-aging gene Sirt 1 is responsible for brain Aβ and caffeine metabolism and inactivation of Sirt 1 by unhealthy diets is now relevant to Type 3 diabetes and premature brain aging. In the current global NAFLD epidemic caffeine consumption should be carefully controlled to maintain its role as a Sirt 1 modulator with relevance to caffeine regulation of neuron calcium signaling important to circadian glucose and Aβ regulation in Type 3 diabetes

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