Hsp90 controlled environmental variation specific to previously invariant or canalized traits.


<div><p>Comparison of mean-normalized components of purely-environmental variation (z-axis) across the <i>RI</i> line backgrounds (x-axis).</p> <p>Developmental stability was calculated as the averaged (unsigned) deviations of left and right from the mean, i.e. (L+R)/2, within each individual (<i>V<sub>e</sub> within</i>) or on the averaged (unsigned) deviations of each individual (L+R) from their clone means for each <i>RI</i> line genotype (<i>V<sub>e</sub> among</i>).</p> <p>There was generally no effect of Hsp90 allele (<i>Sami</i>, blue or <i>P582i</i>, yellow) on the variable traits, and a highly significant effect on either measure of <i>V<sub>e</sub></i> for canalized bristle traits but not wing area, which was highly canalized independent of Hsp90 (<a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0000075#pone-0000075-t004" target="_blank">Table 4</a>).</p></div

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