Implementation of P22 Viral Capsids As Intravascular
Magnetic Resonance <i>T</i><sub>1</sub> Contrast Conjugates
via Site-Selective Attachment of Gd(III)-Chelating Agents
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P22 viral capsids and ferritin protein
cages are utilized as templating
macromolecules to conjugate Gd(III)-chelating agent complexes, and
we systematically investigates the effects of the macromolecules’
size and the conjugation positions of Gd(III)-chelating agents on
the magnetic resonance (MR) relaxivities and the resulting image contrasts.
The relaxivity values of the Gd(III)-chelating agent-conjugated P22
viral capsids (outer diameter: 64 nm) are dramatically increased as
compared to both free Gd(III)-chelating agents and Gd(III)-chelating
agent-conjugated ferritins (outer diameter: 12 nm), suggesting that
the large sized P22 viral capsids exhibit a much slower tumbling rate,
which results in a faster <i>T</i><sub>1</sub> relaxation
rate. Gd(III)-chelating agents are attached to either the interior
or exterior surface of P22 viral capsids and the conjugation positions
of Gd(III)-chelating agents, however, do not have a significant effect
on the relaxivity values of the macromolecular conjugates. The contrast
enhancement of Gd(III)-chelating agent-conjugated P22 viral capsids
is confirmed by in vitro phantom imaging at a short repetition times
(TR) and the potential usage of Gd(III)-chelating agent-conjugated
P22 viral capsids for in vivo MR imaging is validated by visualizing
a mouse’s intravascular system, including the carotid, mammary
arteries, the jugular vein, and the superficial vessels of the head
at an isotropic resolution of 250 μm