
Spreadsheet of plant phenotype data collected in greenhouse experiment for genome-wide association study. Column headings are: block, pot (individual plant ID), trtmnt (rhizobia treatment applied to the plant, either "rhz_12" for a mixture of two rhizobia strains, or "control" for no rhizobia), HM_accession (Medicago HapMap accession), height_1 (height recorded at about two weeks), leaves_1 (number of leaves at about two weeks), height_2 (intermediate height measurement), height_3 (final height before harvest), branch_3 (number of branches on plant before harvest), flowering date (date first flower observed), nodule_above (number of nodules counted in top 5 cm of roots), nodule_below (number of nodules below 5 cm of root growth). More information is available in the R markdown script "StantonGeddes2013_script.Rmd" that accompanies this file

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