

Symbiodinium genotypes associated with Aiptasia. Genotypes were determined using 18S RFLP, ITS2 DGGE, and 6 microsatellite markers specific to Symbiodinium Clade B. The spreadsheets provide sample location, sample ID, RFLP and DGGE proflies, as well as the allele sizes for each microsatellite. The data are presented on two worksheets within the file. The first worksheet includes samples in which Clade B was detected according to the 18S RFLP. The second worksheet includes samples from Florida in which only Clade A was detected according to the 18S RFLP, but the samples were screened with the Clade B-specific microsatellites to determine whether low levels of Clade B (i.e., "background" or "cryptic" populations) could be detected

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