
Identifikasi Awal Volume Naik Turun Penumpang di Tiap-Tiap Stasiun Pemberhentian Kereta Api Komuter Surabaya- Lamongan


The facility must be tailored to the needs tailored to the passengers' wishes. The purpose of this research was for identification of the volume of up and down passenger KA Komuter sulam (Surabaya-Lamongan) in each station of termination. The method used in this initial identification is the collection of secondary data and primary data. Primary data collection is done by calculating the volume of up and down passengers at each stop station KA Komuter SULAM. Surveys are conducted at each hour of KA SULAM departure from two different directions. Initial identification results indicate that at the afternoon departure time of Surabaya-Lamongan direction, Pasar Turi Station has the largest potential passenger volume that rode by 147 passengers (65%), while passenger volume dropped from KA happened at Lamongan Station by 203 passengers (89% ). On the morning departure from Lamongan-Surabaya, Lamongan Station has the largest passenger volume potential to reach 163 passengers (72%), while the largest passenger volume dropped from the railway at Pasar Turi Station with 164 passengers (73%). The comparison of KA Komuter load factor is known that the largest load factor from Surabaya-Lamongan direction occurs at the afternoon departure hour of 54.05%, while the largest load factor from Lamongan-Surabaya direction occurs at 53.33% in morning departure hours

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