
SUPPLEMENTARY FILE 10. Excel file with six sheets showing associations between ABBA and BABA-like sites with gene ontology (GO) terms from the zebra finch genome. The first three sheets refer to ABBA-like sites; the last three sheets refer to BABA-like sites. Sheets 1 and 4 give associations with GO terms related to cellular components (“cc”), sheets 2 and 5 refer to GO terms related to biological processes (“bp”), and sheets 3 and 6 refer to GO terms related to molecular function (“mf”). In each sheet, GO terms are accompanied by the number of zebra finch genes they are annotated to (“annotated”), followed by the number of ABBA or BABA-linked genes they are annotated to (“significant”), followed by the number of ABBA or BABA-linked genes they would be expected to be annotated to by chance (“expected”), followed by the corrected p value for their over-representation in the ABBA or BABA-linked gene set (“corrected”). The only gene set showing significant (p < 0.05) over-representation of any GO term is the ABBA set for cellular components (sheet 1)

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