Ligand-Field Theory-Based Analysis of the Adsorption Properties of Ruthenium Nanoparticles


The experimental design of improved nanocatalysts is usually based on shape control and is surface-ligand dependent. First-principle calculations can guide their design, both in terms of activity and selectivity, provided that theoretical descriptors can be defined and used in a prescreening process. As a consequence of the Sabatier principle and of the Brønsted–Evans–Polanyi relationship, an important prerequisite before optimizing the catalytic properties of nanoparticles is the knowledge of the selective adsorption strengths of reactants at their surface. We report here adsorption energies of X (H, CH<sub>3</sub>) and L (PH<sub>3</sub>, CO) ligands at the surface of bare ruthenium nanoclusters Ru<sub><i>n</i></sub> (<i>n</i> = 55 and 147) calculated at the DFT level. Their dependence on the topology of the adsorption sites as well as on the size and shape of the nanoparticles (NPs) is rationalized with local descriptors derived from the so-called d-band center model. Defining the descriptors involves the determination of the energy of effective d atomic orbitals for each surface atom. Such a ligand field theory-like model is in close relation with frontier molecular orbital theory, a cornerstone of rational chemical synthesis. The descriptors are depicted as color maps which straightforwardly yield possible reactivity spots. The adsorption map of a large spherical hcp cluster (Ru<sub>288</sub>) nicely confirms the remarkable activity of steps, the so-called B<sub>5</sub> sites. The predictive character of this conceptual DFT approach should apply to other transition metal NPs and it could be a useful guide to the design of efficient nanocatalysts bearing sites with a specific activity

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