Transformation of Carboxylated Multiwalled
Carbon Nanotubes: Role of Reactive Oxygen Species
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The study investigated the photochemical
transformation of carboxylated
multiwalled carbon nanotubes (COOH-MWCNTs), an important environmental
process affecting their physicochemical characteristics and hence
fate and transport. UVA irradiation removed carboxyl groups from COOH-MWCNT
surface while creating other oxygen-containing functional groups with
an overall decrease in total surface oxygen content. This was attributed
to reactions with photogenerated reactive oxygen species (ROS). COOH-MWCNTs
generated singlet oxygen (<sup>1</sup>O<sub>2</sub>) and hydroxyl
radical (<sup>•</sup>OH) under UVA light, which exhibited different
reactivity toward the COOH-MWCNT surface. Inhibition experiments that
isolate the effects of <sup>•</sup>OH and <sup>1</sup>O<sub>2</sub> as well as experiments using externally generated <sup>•</sup>OH and <sup>1</sup>O<sub>2</sub> separately revealed that <sup>•</sup>OH played an important role in the photochemical transformation of
COOH-MWCNTs under UVA irradiation. The Raman spectroscopy and surface
functional group analysis results suggested that <sup>•</sup>OH initially reacted with the surface carboxylated carbonaceous fragments,
resulting in their degradation or exfoliation. Further reaction between <sup>•</sup>OH and the graphitic sidewall led to formation of defects
including functional groups and vacancies. These reactions reduced
the surface potential and colloidal stability of COOH-MWCNTs, and
are expected to reduce their mobility in aquatic systems