and NO<sub><i>x</i></sub> Emission
Characteristics with Respect to Staged-Air Damper Opening in a 600
MW<sub>e</sub> Down-Fired Pulverized-Coal Furnace under Deep-Air-Staging
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Deep-air-staging combustion conditions,
widely used in tangential-fired
and wall-arranged furnaces to significantly reduce NO<sub><i>x</i></sub> emissions, are premature up to now in down-fired
furnaces that are designed especially for industry firing low-volatile
coals such as anthracite and lean coal. To uncover combustion and
NO<sub><i>x</i></sub> emission characteristics under deep-air-staging
conditions within a newly operated 600 MW<sub>e</sub> down-fired furnace
and simultaneously understand the staged-air effect on the furnace
performance, full-load industrial-size measurements taken of gas temperatures
and species concentrations in the furnace, CO and NO<sub><i>x</i></sub> emissions in flue gas, and carbon in fly ash were performed
at various staged-air damper openings of 10%, 20%, 30%, and 50%. Increasing
the staged-air damper opening, gas temperatures along the flame travel
(before the flame penetrating the staged-air zone) increased initially
but then decreased, while those in the staged-air zone and the upper
part of the hopper continuously decreased and increased, respectively.
On opening the staged-air damper to further deepen the air-staging
conditions, O<sub>2</sub> content initially decreased but then increased
in both two near-wall regions affected by secondary air and staged
air, respectively, whereas CO content in both two regions initially
increased but then decreased. In contrast to the conventional understanding
about the effects of deep-air-staging conditions, here increasing
the staged-air damper opening to deepen the air-staging conditions
essentially decreased the exhaust gas temperature and carbon in fly
ash and simultaneously increased both NO<sub><i>x</i></sub> emissions and boiler efficiency. In light of apparently low NO<sub><i>x</i></sub> emissions and high carbon in fly ash (i.e.,
696β878 mg/m<sup>3</sup> at 6% O<sub>2</sub> and 9.81β13.05%,
respectively) developing in the down-fired furnace under the present
deep-air-staging conditions, further adjustments such as enlarging
the staged-air declination angle to prolong pulverized-coal residence
times in the furnace should be considered to improve the deep-air-staging
combustion configuration