and Cell-Mediated Mineralization of Hydroxyapatite
by Carrageenan Functionalized Graphene Oxide
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bone tissue engineering, it is imperative to design multifunctional
biomaterials that can induce and assemble bonelike apatite that is
close to natural bone. In this study, graphene oxide (GO) was functionalized
by carrageenan. The resulting GO-carrageenan (GO-Car) composite was
further used as a substrate for biomimetic and cell-mediated mineralization
of hydroxyapatite (HA). It was confirmed that carrageenan on the GO
surface facilitated the nucleation of HA. The observation of the effect
of the GO-Car on the adhesion, morphology, and proliferation of MC3T3-E1
cells was investigated. In vitro studies clearly show the effectiveness
of GO-Car in promoting HA mineralization and cell differentiation.
The results of this study suggested that the GO-Car hybrid will be
a promising material for bone regeneration and implantation