A study of the occurrence of HLA DR2 in 124 narcoleptics: clinical aspects


The authors examined HLA antigens in 124 narcoleptics. In addition to narcolepsy, 122 patients suffered also from cataplexy. The two patients without cataplexy suffered also from sleep paralysis and hypnagogic hallucinations. These two symptoms were also present in many of the other patients. HLA group DR2 was found in 120 patients including all six symptomatic cases. In four patients HLA DR2 was not present. Two of these were fully pronounced narcolepsy-cataplexy cases whereas the two other did not suffer from cataplexy. Since several other cases with negative DR2 have already been published it is necessary to admit the existence of DR2-negative narcolepsy, albeit very rare. Among 5 patients with isolated sleep paralysis HLA DR2 was present in one familial and 1 sporadic case. The authors further discuss some aspects of the classification of narcolepsies in the light of recent HLA studies as well as their delimitation from idiopathic hypersomnia

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