This is a file containing raw information on dab, Limanda limanda, population genetic structure, contaminant exposure, age and biomarker prevalence around the British Isles (dab.popgen.biomonitoring.xlsx). Dab.genotypes: microsatellite allele size data in GenAlex format. Further information on sex, age, weight, length, inbreeding coefficients (IR and hL values) and latitude and longitude is also included where available. Pop.models: Information of sample-average age, contaminant exposure (liver concentration), prevalence (%) of external biomarkers (HYP, LY, U, EP), proxies of populations structure (ca.axis1 and ca.axis3) and sample level genetic diversity (Ho) and inbreeding coefficient (Fis). Ind.models: Individual information for 451 individuals on population membership (ca.axis1, ca.axis3), inbreeding coefficients (IR, hL), length, weight, age, sex, age-site average estimated exposure to contaminant, presence or absence of external biomarkers, presence or absence of 32 internal biomarkers classified by categories (CAT 1: healthy to CAT 5:malignant neoplasms) and liver status (lv.sts: highest category of liver damage present in an individual). For any questions in the data please contact Niklas Tysklind ([email protected])