Computational Method To Identify Druggable Binding
Sites That Target Protein–Protein Interactions
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interactions are implicated in the pathogenesis
of many diseases and are therefore attractive but challenging targets
for drug design. One of the challenges in development is the identification
of potential druggable binding sites in protein interacting interfaces.
Identification of interface surfaces can greatly aid rational drug
design of small molecules inhibiting protein–protein interactions.
In this work, starting from the structure of a free monomer, we have
developed a ligand docking based method, called “<i>FindBindSite</i>” (FBS), to locate protein–protein interacting interface
regions and potential druggable sites in this interface. <i>FindBindSite</i> utilizes the results from docking a small and diverse library of
small molecules to the entire protein structure. By clustering regions
with the highest docked ligand density from FBS, we have shown that
these high ligand density regions strongly correlate with the known
protein–protein interacting surfaces. We have further predicted
potential druggable binding sites on the protein surface using FBS,
with druggability being defined as the site with high density of ligands
docked. FBS shows a hit rate of 71% with high confidence and 93% with
lower confidence for the 41 proteins used for predicting druggable
binding sites on the protein–protein interface. Mining the
regions of lower ligand density that are contiguous with the high
scoring high ligand density regions from FBS, we were able to map
70% of the protein–protein interacting surface in 24 out of
41 structures tested. We also observed that FBS has limited sensitivity
to the size and nature of the small molecule library used for docking.
The experimentally determined hotspot residues for each protein–protein
complex cluster near the best scoring druggable binding sites identified
by FBS. These results validate the ability of our technique to identify
druggable sites within protein–protein interface regions that
have the maximal possibility of interface disruption