Two [1,2,4-(Me<sub>3</sub>C)<sub>3</sub>C<sub>5</sub>H<sub>2</sub>]<sub>2</sub>CeH Molecules are Involved in Hydrogenation
of Pyridine to Piperidine as Shown by Experiments and Computations
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of pyridine to piperidine catalyzed by [1,2,4-(Me<sub>3</sub>C)<sub>3</sub>C<sub>5</sub>H<sub>2</sub>]<sub>2</sub>CeH, abbreviated as
Cp′<sub>2</sub>CeH or [Ce]′-H, is reported. The reaction
proceeds from Cp′<sub>2</sub>Ce(2-pyridyl), isolated from the
reaction of pyridine with Cp′<sub>2</sub>CeH, to Cp′<sub>2</sub>Ce(4,5,6-trihydropyridyl), and then to Cp′<sub>2</sub>Ce(piperidyl). The cycle is completed by the addition of pyridine,
which generates Cp′<sub>2</sub>Ce(2-pyridyl) and piperidine.
The net reaction depends on the partial pressure of H<sub>2</sub> and
temperature. The dependence of the rate on the H<sub>2</sub> pressure
is associated with the formation of Cp′<sub>2</sub>CeH, which
increases the rate of the first and/or second additions of H<sub>2</sub> but does not influence the rate of the third addition. Density functional
theory calculations of several possible pathways are consistent with
three steps, each of which are composed of two elementary reactions,
(i) heterolytic activation of H<sub>2</sub> with a reasonably high
energy, Δ<i>G</i><sup>⧧</sup> = 20.5 kcal mol<sup>–1</sup>, on Cp′<sub>2</sub>Ce(2-pyridyl), leading
to Cp′<sub>2</sub>CeH(6-hydropyridyl), followed by an intramolecular
hydride transfer with a lower activation energy, (ii) intermolecular
addition of Cp′<sub>2</sub>CeH to the C<sup>4</sup>C<sup>5</sup> bond, followed by hydrogenolysis, giving Cp′<sub>2</sub>Ce(4,5,6-trihydropyridyl) and regenerating Cp′<sub>2</sub>CeH, and (iii) a similar hydrogenation/hydrogenolysis sequence, yielding
Cp′<sub>2</sub>Ce(piperidyl). The calculations reveal that
step ii can only occur in the presence of Cp′<sub>2</sub>CeH
and that alternative intramolecular steps have considerably higher
activation energies. The key point that emerges from these experimental
and computational studies is that step ii involves two Cp′<sub>2</sub>Ce fragments, one to bind the 6-hydropyridyl ligand and the
other to add to the C<sup>4</sup>C<sup>5</sup> double bond.
In the presence of H<sub>2</sub>, this second step is intermolecular
and catalytic. The cycle is completed by reaction with pyridine to
yield Cp′<sub>2</sub>Ce(2-pyridyl) and piperidine. The structures
of Cp′<sub>2</sub>CeX, where X = 2-pyridyl, 4,5,6-trihydropyridyl,
and piperidyl, are fluxional, as shown by variable-temperature <sup>1</sup>H NMR spectroscopy