Mn<sup>II/III</sup> Complexes as Promising Redox Mediators in Quantum-Dot-Sensitized Solar Cells


The advancement of quantum dot sensitized solar cell (QDSSC) technology depends on optimizing directional charge transfer between light absorbing quantum dots, TiO<sub>2</sub>, and a redox mediator. The nature of the redox mediator plays a pivotal role in determining the photocurrent and photovoltage from the solar cell. Kinetically, reduction of oxidized quantum dots by the redox mediator should be rapid and faster than the back electron transfer between TiO<sub>2</sub> and oxidized quantum dots to maintain photocurrent. Thermodynamically, the reduction potential of the redox mediator should be sufficiently positive to provide high photovoltages. To satisfy both criteria and enhance power conversion efficiencies, we introduced charge transfer spin-crossover Mn<sup>II/III</sup> complexes as promising redox mediator alternatives in QDSSCs. High photovoltages ∼1 V were achieved by a series of Mn poly­(pyrazolyl)­borates, with reduction potentials ∼0.51 V vs Ag/AgCl. Back electron transfer (recombination) rates were slower than Co­(bpy)<sub>3</sub>, where bpy = 2,2′-bipyridine, evidenced by electron lifetimes up to 4 orders of magnitude longer. This is indicative of a large barrier to electron transport imposed by spin-crossover in these complexes. Low solubility prevented the redox mediators from sustaining high photocurrent due to mass transport limits. However, with high fill factors (∼0.6) and photovoltages, they demonstrate competitive efficiencies with Co­(bpy)<sub>3</sub> redox mediator at the same concentration. More positive reduction potentials and slower recombination rates compared to current redox mediators establish the viability of Mn poly­(pyrazolyl)­borates as promising redox mediators. By capitalizing on these characteristics, efficient Mn<sup>II/III</sup>-based QDSSCs can be achieved with more soluble Mn-complexes

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