The Single-Probe: A Miniaturized Multifunctional Device for Single
Cell Mass Spectrometry Analysis
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We have developed a new mass spectrometry
(MS) technology, the
Single-probe MS, capable of real-time, in situ metabolomic analysis
of individual living cells. The Single-probe is a miniaturized multifunctional
sampling and ionization device that is directly coupled to the mass
spectrometer. With a sampling tip smaller than individual eukaryotic
cells (<10 μm), the Single-probe can be inserted into single
cells to sample the intracellular compounds for real-time MS analysis.
We have used the Single-probe to detect several cellular metabolites
and the anticancer small molecules paclitaxel, doxorubicin, and OSW-1
in individual cervical cancer cells (HeLa). Single cell mass spectrometry
(SCMS) is an emerging scientific technology that could reshape the
analytical science of many research disciplines, and the Single-probe
MS technology is a novel method for SCMS that, through its accessible
fabrication protocols, can be broadly applied to different research