Efficient Gas and Water Vapor Barrier Properties of Thin Poly(lactic acid) Packaging Films: Functionalization with Moisture Resistant Nafion and Clay Multilayers


Poly­(lactic acid) (PLA) represents one of the most promising and attractive biobased polymer for the industrial development of environmentally sustainable packaging. However, oxygen and water barrier properties of PLA based films cannot compete with those of commercially available composite multilayers. To fill this gap, we used the layer-by-layer deposition technique on commercially used PLA thin films (30 μm thick) in order to increase their barrier properties to oxygen and water vapor. Nanometric films were grown by alternating branched poly­(ethylene imine) (BPEI), hydrophobic fluorinated polymer (Nafion), and montmorillonite clay (MMT) layers with the aim of obtaining low gas permeability in both dry and moist conditions as well as low water vapor permeability. Two different kinds of architectures were designed and successfully prepared, based on a 4 layer repeating unit (BPEI/MMT/BPEI/Nafion), represented here as quadlayer (QL), and on a 6 layer repeating-unit ((BPEI/Nafion)<sub>2</sub>/BPEI/MMT), hexalayer (HL). Reduction in oxygen and water permeabilities is observed for films based on both types of repeat units. The reduction of the permeabilities increases with the number of quad and hexalayers achieving reductions in terms of oxygen permeability in both dry and humid conditions up to 98% and 97% respectively for 10 HL and QL. Furthermore, a reduction of 78% of water vapor transmission rate through the functionalized film was obtained for these films. As far as oxygen permeability is concerned, HL films are more efficient than QL films for smaller numbers of deposition units. These properties are shown to result from the complementarity between the presence of BPEI/Nafion and MMT layers

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