Sequences RFP full length genes


All raw sequences used to reconstruct the amilFP597 gene in A. millepora.Full-length sequences of indel (-) and indel (+) promoter variants of the amilFP597 gene were obtained for the MR morph. These sequences, extending from the promoter region to the 3’UTR, were produced by joining the sequences of two overlapping PCR products covering the 5’ region [promoter to exon 3 amplified using primers pRFPlargeF (+) or pRFPsmallF (-) and RFP SP1] and the 3’ region (intron 2 to 3’UTR amplified using primers RFP_I2-3’U_F and RFP_I2-3’U_R2). Sequence differences in the overlap between the 5’ and 3’ region fragments were used to assign the latter to either the indel (+) or indel (-) promoter variant genes. The promoter-exon 3 and intron 2-3’UTR fragments were cloned and sequenced on both strands using vector primers and by primer walking. The assembled sequences have been submitted to GenBank as accessions KC818413 [indel (-) gene] and KC818414 [indel (+) gene]

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