Synthesis of <i>gem</i>-Difluoromethylenated
Polycyclic Cage Compounds
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The synthesis of <i>gem</i>-difluoromethylenated polycyclic
cage compounds, utilizing PhSCF<sub>2</sub>SiMe<sub>3</sub> as a <i>gem</i>-difluoromethylene building block, is described. The
fluoride-catalyzed nucleophilic addition of PhSCF<sub>2</sub>SiMe<sub>3</sub> to both maleic anhydride–cyclopentadiene and maleic
anhydride–cyclohexadiene adducts was accomplished with high
stereoselectivity to provide the corresponding adducts that were treated
with Grignard reagents, followed by acid-catalyzed lactonization to
afford the corresponding γ-butyrolactones, each as a single
isomer. These γ-butyrolactones underwent intramolecular radical
cyclization to give the corresponding tetracyclic cage γ-butyrolactones,
which were employed as precursors for the synthesis of <i>gem</i>-difluoromethylenated tetracyclic cage lactols or tetracyclic cage
furans, upon treatment with Grignard reagents