A multiple-timestep ab initio molecular
dynamics scheme based on
varying the two-electron integral screening method used in Hartree–Fock
or density functional theory calculations is presented. Although screening
is motivated by numerical considerations, it is also related to separations
in the length- and timescales characterizing forces in a molecular
system: Loose thresholds are sufficient to describe fast motions over
short distances, while tight thresholds may be employed for larger
length scales and longer times, leading to a practical acceleration
of ab initio molecular dynamics simulations. Standard screening approaches
can lead, however, to significant discontinuities in (and inconsistencies
between) the energy and gradient when the screening threshold is loose,
making them inappropriate for use in dynamics. To remedy this problem,
a consistent window-screening method that smooths these discontinuities
is devised. Further algorithmic improvements reuse electronic-structure
information within the dynamics step and enhance efficiency relative
to a naı̈ve multiple-timestepping protocol. The resulting
scheme is shown to realize meaningful reductions in the cost of Hartree–Fock
and B3LYP simulations of a moderately large system, the protonated
sarcosine/glycine dipeptide embedded in a 19-water cluster