Simultaneous Time-Lamination Imaging of Protein Association
Using a Split Fluorescent Timer Protein
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Studies of temporal behaviors of
protein association in living
cells are crucially important for elucidating the fundamental roles
and the mechanism of interactive coordination for cell activities.
We developed a method for investigating the temporal alternation of
a particular protein assembly using monomeric fluorescent proteins,
fluorescent timers (FTs), of which the fluorescent color changes from
blue to red over time. We identified a dissection site of the FTs,
which allows complementation of the split FT fragments. The split
fragments of each FT variant recovered their fluorescence and maintained
inherent rates of the color changes upon the reassembly of the fragments
in vitro. We applied this method to visualize the aggregation process
of α-synuclein in living cells. The size of the aggregates with
the temporal information was analyzed from ratio values of the blue
and red fluorescence of the reconstituted FTs, from which the aggregation
rates were evaluated. This method using the split FT fragments enables
tracing and visualizing temporal alternations of various protein associations
by single fluorescence measurements at a given time point