the Relaxation of 2,5-Dimethylpyrrole by
Femtosecond Time-Resolved Photoelectron and Photoion Detection
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The relaxation of 2,5-dimethylpyrrole
after excitation in the 290–239
nm range, which covers the weak absorption of the S<sub>1</sub> <sup>1</sup>A<sub>2</sub> πσ* state, dissociative along the
N–H bond, and the stronger band mostly attributed to the <sup>1</sup>B<sub>2</sub> ππ* state, has been investigated
by time-resolved ion and photoelectron techniques. The measurements
yield an invariant lifetime of ∼55 fs for the <sup>1</sup>πσ*
state, after preparation in its Franck–Condon region with increasing
vibrational content. This ultrafast rate indicates that, contrary
to the observations made in pyrrole (Roberts et al.<i> Faraday
Discuss.</i> <b>2013</b>, <i>163</i>, 95–116),
the molecule reaches the dissociative part of the potential without
any barrier effect, although calculations predict the latter to be
higher than in the pyrrole case. The results are rationalized in terms
of a barrier free multidimensional pathway that very likely involves
out-of-plane vibrations. Additionally, a lifetime of ∼100 fs
is found after excitation along the higher <sup>1</sup>B<sub>2</sub> ππ* ← S<sub>0</sub> transition. The relaxation
of this state by coupling to a very short living S<sub>1</sub> <sup>1</sup>πσ* state, or by alternative routes, is discussed
in the light of the collected photoelectron measurements