Crystallization-Induced Redox-Active Nanoribbons of
Organometallic Polymers
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functional nanostructures are essential for the
fabrication of high-performance nanodevices in the future. The synthesis
of hybrid nanostructures is hindered by complicated synthetic protocols
or harsh conditions. Herein, we report a facile and scalable method
for the synthesis of organometallic polymer nanoribbons through crystallization
of polymers capped with a ferrate complex. Nanoribbons consisted of
a single crystalline polymer lamella coated with a redox-active ferrate
complex on both sides. The nanoribbons had a width of approximately
70 nm and a thickness of 10 nm. With the merit of highly ordered crystalline
structures of polymers and functional coating layers, as well as a
highly anisotropic nature, the nanoribbons are useful in nanodevices
and biosensors