Dynamics of Spin-Labeled Polyacid Chain
Segments in Polyelectrolyte Complexes Studied by CW EPR Spectroscopy
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A nitroxide
spin label has been covalently linked to the weak polyacid
poly(ethylene-<i>alt</i>-maleic acid) (P(E-<i>alt</i>-MA)) to study the rotational mobility of the polyacid backbone in
polyelectrolyte complexes (PEC) formed with the oppositely charged
strong polycation poly(diallyldimethylammonium chloride) (PDADMAC)
in dependence on the pH of the dispersion and the temperature. The
rotational mobility of the polyacid chain segments has been determined
by simulation of the line shape of the continuous wave (CW) electron
paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectra using the microscopic order/macroscopic
disorder (MOMD) model of restricted rotational diffusion. The study
has shown that the diffusion coefficient characterizing the rotational
motions of the polyacid backbone is significantly smaller at low degree
of dissociation at pH 4 than at high degree of dissociation at pH
7 and pH 10