High-Temperature, High-Pressure Volumetric Properties of Propane, Squalane, and Their Mixtures: Measurement and PC-SAFT Modeling


This study reports the high-temperature, high-pressure density data for propane, squalane, and their binary mixtures for five compositions at temperatures to 520 K and pressures to 260 MPa. The density measurements are obtained with a floating-piston, variable-volume, high-pressure view cell. From the density data, the isothermal and isobaric excess molar volumes upon mixing are computed. For the mixture compositions studied here, the excess volume is mostly negative, showing a minimum at 0.6550 mole fraction of propane and becomes less negative as the propane concentration increases. The perturbed-chain statistical associating fluid theory (PC-SAFT) equation of state (EoS) provides good representation for the experimental data. A mean absolute percent deviation (δ) of 1.4% is obtained with the PC-SAFT EoS when using propane and squalane pure component parameters fit to density data at high-temperature, high-pressure conditions

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