Microfabrication of Photo-Cross-Linked Hyaluronan
Hydrogels by Single- and Two-Photon Tyramine Oxidation
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of tyramine-substituted hyaluronan (HA-Tyr)
hydrogels is demonstrated for the first time. HA-Tyr hydrogels are
fabricated via a rapid photosensitized process using visible light
illumination. Nontoxic conditions offer photoencapsulation of human
mesenchymal stromal cells (hMSCs) with high viability. Macroscopic
gels can be formed in less than 10 s, and one- and two-photon photopatterning
enable 2D and 3D microfabrication. Different degrees of cross-linking
induce different swelling/shrinking, allowing for light-induced microactuation.
These new tools are complementary to the previously reported horseradish
peroxidase/hydrogen peroxide cross-linking and allow sequential cross-linking
of HA-Tyr matrices